Category Casino

CVK 680 Poker Analyzer

CVK 680 is a new poker analyzer that is designed for international customers. It supports more games and is simpler to operate than any other analyzer. This analyzer has a distinct advantage over other card readers, as it can provide…

How Do I Choose Infrared Contact Lenses?

Choosing the right contact lens for you requires consideration of key factors like length of wear, maintenance level and eye sensitivity. These factors will help your Shopko Optical optometrist determine the best lens type for your needs. Additionally, your prescription…

Invisible Ink Glasses

It’s a common pastime to write secret messages in invisible pen, whether it’s just for fun or as a prank on friends. What if you were able to decipher the messages with a pair of special glasses? In this Wonder…

How to See Through Cards

A special lens allows you to see through cards. These lenses are tinted with a darkening purple filter in the center of the lens. The lenses come in a range of tint sizes that will fit different eye colors. They…

Gambling Contact Lenses

The latest cheating devices are gambling contact lenses. They can help you to approach the poker winner without being detected by your opponents. These cards are made from high-quality materials that work with all brands of marked playing cards. They…

Marked Playing Cards With Glasses

Marked playing cards have secret markings on the back that help magicians or poker cheaters identify the suit and number of a card accurately and quickly. These markings can only be seen by specialized scanning cameras, contact lenses or glasses.…