

Poker Analyzer Countermeasures and Prevention

Poker analyzer countermeasures and prevention are becoming increasingly important as poker becomes more popular. These devices are used by cheaters to gain an advantage over their opponents, and they can be difficult to detect. Luckily, there are some simple ways…

Poker Cheat Glasses

Poker Cheat Glasses are a kind of sunglasses that can help players see marked cards more clearly. These glasses can be purchased online and offline in a variety of colors. The appearance of the glasses is similar to that of…

Dice Cheating Device

Dice Cheating Device are a variety of tricks and tactics used by dice cheaters to take advantage of the house’s edge in casino games. While most of these methods are merely a way to reduce the house’s advantage, some of…

How to Stop a Poker Cheat

Card cheating is one of the oldest tricks in the poker book and even though casinos have gotten better at tracking cheaters they are still coming up with new ways to mark cards and to cheat. The best way to…

How to Spot Marked Poker Cards

Card marking is the process of adding invisible marks to a deck of playing cards in order to give a poker cheat an unfair advantage. This method of marking cards is considered illegal because it violates the integrity of the…

How to Mark Cards

To avoid being detected by other players or dealers, card marking is an art that must be mastered. Some marks are easily detected, while others can only by seen with special eyes that have trained to see them. This kind…

The Advantages of Remote Control Dice

A remote-control dice is a device that allows you to choose the number you wish to roll. These devices are a good choice for dice games, especially when you don’t have the time to count and throw your dices. However,…

Marked Cards Poker

If you are playing poker and notice a player handling or squeezing cards in an unnatural way, it’s time to check if they have marked cards. Marked cards are a common practice in card games and can give a player…